Heads Heavy – FFfAW50

What follows is a piece inspired by the prompt at Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. The key elements were the photo below and a word range of 100-15o (+-25). Thank you to Sonya, owner of the blog Only 100 Words, for the photo. 


Sonya – Only 100 Words – https://sonyca.wordpress.com/

Heads Heavy – 144 words

When Jordy planted sunflower seeds in the narrow bed of soil in front of her house, she told me she was channeling her inner Van Gogh. As far as I knew, the closest she’d ever gotten to a Van Gogh painting was a postcard on her refrigerator.

Why sunflowers, I asked. Why not zinnias to attract butterflies or sweet peas so passersby could stroll along perfumed pavement? Tulips to herald spring? Chrysanthemums to rival the color of autumn leaves?

Jordy ignored my questions, adjusting the scarf on her head as she pushed seeds into the dark ground.

The sunflowers grew tall that summer. Each day, Jordy sat bundled in her chair watching them. Their heads and hers followed the trajectory of the sun across the sky.

At summer’s end, the sunflowers leaned, heads heavy.

I like to think their heads were bowed in prayer.

6 thoughts on “Heads Heavy – FFfAW50

  1. I really like how you gently hint at maybe an illness – when I read the line about the scarf, I thought chemo, and then the chair… Fantastic writing!


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